Friday, July 20, 2007

You can't make me take a nap!

I usually nurse Maryam and then lay down with her to get her to go to sleep, and when she falls asleep, I transfer to her crib. At least, that's how it used to work. Now, I nurse her, and she coos, giggles, cries, crawls, climbs all over me. She actually pulled herself into a tripod shape this afternoon, and managed to stand up. So much for napping.

She is now all over the place - pulling her toys off the shelf, pulling up on her climbing wall, crawling after me or her brothers. Nothing or no one is safe. And she is so proud of herself!

I don't know if I should give up on naps for the time being. She napped in her carrier on my back when we were at the zoo today, and she did get a short morning nap when her daddy walked her to sleep before he left. But these afternoon naps are so hard, and she is so resistant. I truly feel it is because there is so much going on in her development. She actually keeps herself awake lately by blowing raspberries. I'll spend 45 minutes trying to get her down, and she'll sleep for 30 minutes, if I can get her to sleep at all.

I guess if I had just learned to crawl and was trying to walk, I wouldn't want to waste it sleeping, either. And she's just so cute when she does it - she'll look over at me and give me a huge grin. My baby's turning into a toddler!

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