Sunday, July 22, 2007

A Tale of Two Dollies

Our house currently has two dollies in it.

The yellow doll is mine from when I was a baby. The paint is coming off of her head, she has a dark mark on her face from marker, and she is dressed in a very ugly yellow outfit with a hideous collar. She is stained. Actually, it might not even be a she - it looks quite gender-neutral.

The doll in pink is new. She's actually quite cute in person (the picture doesn't do her justice) We bought her for Maryam at a very nice, small toy store that is stocked with wood toys, cool puppets, and other nifty non-Toys'R'us toys. It wasn't cheap, but we decided to get a nice first doll for her. We splurged. Perhaps we shouldn't have. Because....

Which one does Maryam prefer? The old yellow doll-baby, of course. Last night, as Jim was putting her to sleep, she would not let go of it and took it to bed with her. When you hold out both dolls, she'll lunge for the yellow one. Not the new nice pink one. The ugly yellow one that is over 31 years old.

She has never been attached to toys up until this point. I just wish she had gotten attached to something a little bit more cute. Pink baby is sitting here with me, and yellow baby is upstairs with Maryam in her crib, keeping her company. They're sweet together, but between Maryam and yellow doll-baby, Maryam is definitely the cutest.

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