Maryam has discovered water, as in, the dog's water. She was never really a splasher before. In her baths, she wasn't one to get mommy all wet. This morning, though, I looked over, and she was splashing in the dog's water bowl. I grabbed the video camera I keep handy for purposes such as these, and got it on tape. She eventually tipped the entire bowl over, and slid on her belly through it, whining because she couldn't crawl on the slippery surface.
In her highchair, she continued having fun after lunch. I put her cup (not a sippy) on the far edge of her highchair tray, confident that she couldn't reach it. Seconds later, I turn around to see she's dumped the contents on her tray and herself and is happily splashing in it, eating soggy Cheerios and playing with the empty cup.
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