Saturday, July 14, 2007

Crawling....sort of.

Maryam is getting around on her own. It's mostly backwards still, but she has managed to go a couple of feet forward on her own. The other day she woke up from her nap and when Jim came in to get her, she was sitting up. She's also managed to pull herself up with her toy basket. She can also roll and roll and roll. She does this mostly during diaper changes.

But the best news of all is that last night, she slept for 5 hours straight! It was miraculous and wonderful, and probably a fluke. But both baby and mommy woke up in good moods.

I've also discovered the joy of hanging out clothes on a clothes line. Yes, a joy! Our electric bill has gotten quite high due to the AC being on in the hot weather, and diapers get all nice and white when hung out in the sun (it also kills bacteria that can make the diapers stink). So we've put up some line on the corner of our fence, and I started to hang up diapers. Now I've moved to hang up other clothes, and I love it. It feels productive and earthy and deviant. Deviant because it's against our homeowner's rules. But I feel like it's for a good cause, and we have an 8 foot fence. The only neighbors who can see it have a pool, which is also against the rules.

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