We've had to take away the Hot Wheels Maryam was playing with because I'm concerned about choking hazards, so I wanted to pick out a new Little People toy for her. I let the boys choose, because I wanted them to be able to play with her. We decided on a very cool Castle set we saw on the Toys R Us website, and made a trip out there. Unfortunately, they didn't have the set we wanted. I did pick out a pink castle and some dinosaurs Aidan liked, but the cool castle will have to wait until her birthday, I guess. Wayne spent a significant amount of time playing with Maryam's new pink castle, ceremoniously tossing the royal family off the turret and having them get attacked by the dragon. Boys... such strange creatures.
Maryam can now consistently pull herself up to her feet. Wayne got her giggling so hard that she knocked herself over, though.
I can't imagine raising my little girl without her older brothers. What a boring life she would have. What a boring life I would have!