Friday, June 22, 2007

Trip to the Zoo

Can you see Maryam's hair in this picture? It always stands on end like this after her bath. This has nothing to do with the zoo, of course, but I want to show that she DOES have hair. It's just really, really blond.

Our family, minus Jim. Poor guy has to work during the summer, while I get to have all the fun. Did I ever mention how much I love being a stay at home mom?
Bats! These are some huge flying creatures. The picture doesn't do them justice. They're nicknamed "flying foxes". Very cute.

Wayne and Aidan sitting on a baby elephant statue. Normally I don't let them sit on babies, but I relaxed a bit on this one.

We went to the zoo yesterday. Maryam only lasted a couple of hours before we had to head home for a nap, but that her brothers and me plenty of time to look at some cool animals.

It's been a busy week for us, with a trip to COSI (our science museum), the zoo, and a party with friends yesterday to celebrate the summer.

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