Friday, June 1, 2007

Watch out, Baby With Brush

Maryam loves anything mommy (or daddy) has. Does she need a hairbrush? No, she has no hair. But mommy has the brush, so Maryam needs it. And for some reason all her own, Maryam loves combs and brushes, preferring them to any other toy or household object.

I took some shots of me looking down at Maryam, because that's often my view - the pleading "pick me up mama" eyes, the slight whimper that says "I'm bored!", and the grin that tells me she's happy I'm there.

Her bottom tooth has broken all the way through, finally, and she slept really well last night, as did mommy and daddy. She's still almost always happy, at least when others are around. She truly gets bored with me during the day, and I try to make a point to take her somewhere public, with other people. As long as she can get someone to smile at her, her world is in balance, and she's the happiest person on the planet.

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