Thursday, June 7, 2007


I wish I had pictures to share now, but we forgot the camera and had to buy a disposable. Hopefully we can find a way to post the pics here, because there are some great ones.

Maryam went on her first camping trip Tuesday for our anniversary. The boys are with their mom, going to Sea World and Epcot (sp?). Jim and I have been married for three years now! We ended up having the campground to ourselves. Sera went with us, and kept us safe from all of the.... flies? We went hiking, Sera swam, and we roasted hot dogs and smores over a huge fire.

The air mattress we borrowed kept deflating, so I was sleeping on hard ground in the morning, with poor Maryam mushed up next to me, and Jim and Sera to the side.

The worst moment for me was as I was nursing Maryam, I felt something crawling down my shirt. I yanked Maryam off and shook out a huge spider. Not fun, even for someone who likes spiders.

Jim's worst moment was when he stepped on the very very hot metal ring of the fire pit with his bare foot.

Maryam's worst moment was having four poopy diapers in 24 hours, and having to lay still for the diaper changes.

Sera didn't have a worst moment. She even ate steak scraps from our dinner out (she sat under the table).

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