Our city celebrated what we call "Beggar's Night" tonight, the 30th. They didn't want kids out on the weekend (?).
This was Maryam's first time trick or treating where she could really participate. She did so by crying and hiding and being scared for the most part. She was dressed up as a butterfly, with wings and everything. But she was so terrified she hid her head either between my legs or in my shoulder for the most part.
Aidan and Wayne were scary. Maryam was actually afraid of them with their masks on. Aidan was a guy with a gas mask and a chainsaw. Wayne was a skeleton in an army jacket with a tu-tu (yes, a tu-tu). Wayne went around with us, but Aidan sat on the porch with the bowl of candy next to him. He was perfectly still, until some unsuspecting child came up to take a piece. Then he'd scare the daylights out of them by yelling and moving the chainsaw. 

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