Saturday we spent some time at an apple tree farm and picked 40 pounds of apples. They allow you to try the different types of apples and don't charge you for what you eat. Yummy! Needless to say, Maryam ate a ton. She kept trying to take bites out of the apples that we had picked to buy, though.
All these apples were turned into applesauce and dried apples for the coming months. Next year, my plan is to go to more U-Pick farms and can peaches and pears, and whatever else I can figure out how to can. I remember mom making homemade applesauce, and it's so good! I even made a batch with some of the strawberries we picked in June for Strawberry-Applesauce. Delicious!
At the store after the apple picking, I commented to the cashier that Maryam's belly was all full of apples. Maryam proceeded to pull up her shirt to show off her belly. She's really lost a lot of her baby fat on her belly - it's not nearly as round as it used to be. But she definitely like to show it off!
1 comment:
So THAT'S where this extra fat around my tummy came from!! Gee, Maryam -- thanks a lot! We'll compare tummies when you come out here at Christmas.
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