(okay, so I'm a few days late- Maryam turned two)
For her birthday, she had lots of friends and relatives over, and I made her a monkey cake. Monkeys are her favorite animal. 

And a sweeter child I couldn't ask for. Let me brag on my dear girl for a few moments here. She has a temper, but it is quick to go away. She'll get mad for, say, 30 seconds. Then she's fine playing. Now that we have no tv, she entertains herself really well, and will wander around the house finding things to play with.
Maryam's a pretty good listener, and mostly does what mommy or daddy ask, unless it relates to her shoes and socks. She insists that her shoes and socks be off in the house, no matter how cold it is! But where safety is concerned, she listens and obeys with a sweet attitude.
She says two or three words together: "Dada go work?" Or "Aidan Wayne go?" Right now she's playing hide and seek with Aidan, and calls "Aidan, Aidan go?"
She loves to wear clips in her hair, and likes to put them on the dog (she tried the cat but he tried to bite her). Luckily, Sera is a good, patient dog and puts up with most things from Maryam. 

So all in all, I love this age! No major tantrums, no endless "nos". Just a sweet tempered, happy child. How did I get so lucky?
1 comment:
The cake looks great! You did a fabulous job. Happy birthday Maryam!
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