Thursday, October 30, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Our city celebrated what we call "Beggar's Night" tonight, the 30th. They didn't want kids out on the weekend (?).
This was Maryam's first time trick or treating where she could really participate. She did so by crying and hiding and being scared for the most part. She was dressed up as a butterfly, with wings and everything. But she was so terrified she hid her head either between my legs or in my shoulder for the most part.
Aidan and Wayne were scary. Maryam was actually afraid of them with their masks on. Aidan was a guy with a gas mask and a chainsaw. Wayne was a skeleton in an army jacket with a tu-tu (yes, a tu-tu). Wayne went around with us, but Aidan sat on the porch with the bowl of candy next to him. He was perfectly still, until some unsuspecting child came up to take a piece. Then he'd scare the daylights out of them by yelling and moving the chainsaw.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Introducing the newest member of our family!

Her name is Three, although this afternoon Maryam said her name was "One". She represents hours and hours (and hours) of love and work.

Cute, eh?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Maryam is 2!

(okay, so I'm a few days late- Maryam turned two)
For her birthday, she had lots of friends and relatives over, and I made her a monkey cake. Monkeys are her favorite animal.
And a sweeter child I couldn't ask for. Let me brag on my dear girl for a few moments here. She has a temper, but it is quick to go away. She'll get mad for, say, 30 seconds. Then she's fine playing. Now that we have no tv, she entertains herself really well, and will wander around the house finding things to play with.

Maryam's a pretty good listener, and mostly does what mommy or daddy ask, unless it relates to her shoes and socks. She insists that her shoes and socks be off in the house, no matter how cold it is! But where safety is concerned, she listens and obeys with a sweet attitude.

She says two or three words together: "Dada go work?" Or "Aidan Wayne go?" Right now she's playing hide and seek with Aidan, and calls "Aidan, Aidan go?"

She loves to wear clips in her hair, and likes to put them on the dog (she tried the cat but he tried to bite her). Luckily, Sera is a good, patient dog and puts up with most things from Maryam.

So all in all, I love this age! No major tantrums, no endless "nos". Just a sweet tempered, happy child. How did I get so lucky?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Apple Picking

Saturday we spent some time at an apple tree farm and picked 40 pounds of apples. They allow you to try the different types of apples and don't charge you for what you eat. Yummy! Needless to say, Maryam ate a ton. She kept trying to take bites out of the apples that we had picked to buy, though.

All these apples were turned into applesauce and dried apples for the coming months. Next year, my plan is to go to more U-Pick farms and can peaches and pears, and whatever else I can figure out how to can. I remember mom making homemade applesauce, and it's so good! I even made a batch with some of the strawberries we picked in June for Strawberry-Applesauce. Delicious!

At the store after the apple picking, I commented to the cashier that Maryam's belly was all full of apples. Maryam proceeded to pull up her shirt to show off her belly. She's really lost a lot of her baby fat on her belly - it's not nearly as round as it used to be. But she definitely like to show it off!