Sunday, September 30, 2007

I want what I want, when I want, how I want it, and I want it NOW!

Little Miss Maryam has a hard time understanding that sometimes, she can't always get what she wants. For example, she wants to play with the toilet brush. I move gently move her away from the nasty germ-laden object, and close the baby gate. Maryam is not happy. She wants the toilet brush more than she's ever wanted anything in her short life. It's crucial that she gets the toilet cleaning tool, and gets it now. Mommy won't let her. And so she screams a horrible scream, scrunches up her face, and turns red.

This picture was taken when she really wanted my cup of ice water. I let her drink from it. I even let her stick her not so clean hands in it to get the ice out and play with it. But I am a mean mommy and would not let her grab the cup and dump it on herself (although I did consider this).

Life is sometimes hard for babies before they are verbal. It is just as hard on mommies and daddies, big brothers, and possibly the neighbors who have to listen to the ruckus they cause.

On a happier note, Maryam made it through a church service without screaming or crying. We sat on the side in the back, and I allowed her to stand in the pew and sit on the floor rather than on my lap the whole time.

On a not-so-happy note (at least for Jim), Maryam has woke up at 5:20 AM today. Yesterday it was 5:30 AM. The day before, 5:40 AM. Jim is very tired. Jim is getting very cranky. Maryam needs to get her internal clock reset.

Today we're planning on going to set off rockets. This will be Maryam's first rocket-shooting adventure. Right now, she and daddy are napping. Naps are good for babies and their tired, cranky daddies.


paulinemc said...

poor, poor baby! Just tell her that Grandma's coming there soon & will let her have anything she wants. In fact, when Grandma moves to Ohio, there will be all sorts of fun things for her to play with at Grandma's house: a clean, new toilet brush, a glass of icewater she can play with to her heart's content, a bicycle with a motor on it, an electric drill, a hammer, some explosives that Grandpa will show her how to use . . . she'll LOVE going to Grandma & Grandpa's!! Just hang in there, baby Maryam . . . we're coming soon!


paulinemc said...

Oops -- almost forgot -- Grandpa says you MUST get a pair of safety glasses before you can do explosive & chemical games with him. And Grandma forgot about the VERY BEST thing that she'll give you -- a picture book showing you some of the royal tantrums your mommy had when she was little. We love you!
gram & grump, er, gramp

paulinemc said...

Grampa here -- Maryam, Honey, you just tell your Mommy that you know all about her opossum adventure, & if it was ok for HER to handle & play with an icky, stinky, furry, just-killed opossum, it should be ok for YOU to play with a toilet brush that's been cleaned (sorta) every use with whatever toilet cleaner they use. See what she says to THAT!!

ps -- when we move out there, you & I'll take a long hike in the country & find you your VERY OWN opossum to play with. And because they have such an aroma (if they're just-killed), we'll cut it open, explore & learn, & then wrap it up in a pretty box & give it to your mommy! Won't we have fun when we're in Ohio!!! Oh, & if your brothers are jealous, I'll take them out to find THEIR own opossums -- or snakes, or racoons, or whatever. Learning is VERY IMPORTANT, & children need to learn immediately when they show an interest in something!

Maryam's Mommy said...

I just knew my opposum story would come back and haunt me....