Saturday, September 22, 2007

11 months old!

Yesterday Maryam turned 11 months old. She can climb the stairs with Mommy or Daddy behind her, but can't get down them yet. She claps her hands when she's excited, or when someone else claps their hands. She is quite determined about what she likes or doesn't like. For example, I tried to get her to hold the bear for our monthly bear picture. She didn't want it, and kept throwing it over her head. She doesn't use words yet, but when she's being carried and wants down, she'll throw her body towards the ground, or whatever it is she wants to get to. It was unnerving the first time she did it, but now I'm aware and keep a much tighter grip on her.
She is the most wonderful little girl in the world to me. Oh, and she slept for almost 5 hours IN A ROW last night when we had friends over to play games!

1 comment:

Kari said...

Jim and Jenise. She is darling! What fun you are having raising her. Keep the pictures coming!