Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A day at COSI

COSI is our local science museum. It has a wonderful room called Kids' Space that is perfect for babies and toddlers. We try to go at least once a week. Maryam always has so much fun there. Grandma and Grandpa get us a membership as our family Christmas gift, and it is well used.
The weather has been hot lately - in the 90's. I'm ready for cooler fall weather to come. Maryam doesn't fit in to most of her warm weather clothes, but we have lots of cute things for the colder weather.
We're starting to think about her birthday plans - she'll be one year old in a month! She still nurses and eats like a champ. She can stand up without holding on to something for a few seconds. She sometimes waves bye bye, but isn't consistent with any words yet. I'm still waiting for the day when she looks at me and says "ma ma". Everything is still "da da da".

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