Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I had a dream....

and in this dream I was told to get a black kitten and name her Spaghetti. Seriously!

So I told the kids, and of course they get all excited. Both boys promise to take care of her, and tell me that she would be their birthday and Christmas present. Both seem a bit weirded out that I would want to name a cat Spaghetti. But they'll adjust.

Last night I went on Craig's List, and the first listing was for a black kitten. I went and got her today. Her name is Spaghetti, and she is very sweet. Her owners were evicted and left her in their house with the door open. A good Samaritan took her in, and posted about her on CL.

We don't know how old she is - the woman who took her in thinks she's under a year. I have an appointment at the vet on Thursday and I'll ask what they think. She is beautiful, sweet, and very curious. She'll come up and chirp and nuzzle me occasionally. Maryam is in love with her. Frodo scares Maryam, and Spaghetti is smaller and not aggressive at all.

Frodo and she 'chirped' back and forth. He seems fine with having a sister. The only habit we need to fix is that she jumps on the tables and counters. I think she's going to do great! I can't wait to see what the boys think of her when they get home.


xmama4 said...

Very pretty!

Amy said...

awww, I think she's adorable :-) Lets just hope she's not pregnant!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love black kitties!! Very cute...what does Sera think of her?


Maryam's Mommy said...

Amy,I don't think she's pregnant - she's in heat!

Sera loves to chase black kitties who don't bite or bop her on the nose like Frodo. Luckily Spaghetti lived for a few days with a German Shepherd and isn't too intimidated.