Friday, January 16, 2009

Our trip out West

We went to Kirkland, Washington for Christmas. On the way there, Maryam was very careful to read the safety card in the seat back of the plane. She asked me to read it to her. It went something like this :There is a plane. And a baby! Look at the mask on the baby! Look at the fire! The people are happily getting out of the plane. See the raft? All the happy people are floating on the raft... She loved it.

When we arrived, we were welcomed by snow. Tons and tons of snow in a city ill-prepared for it. The roads were awful. Neighborhoods weren't plowed for well over a week, which meant that there were grooves a foot deep, and the car basically drove itself.

But we were able to make a lovely pregnant snow-woman. Mom donated her bathrobe for modesty's sake. Maryam loved it!

We were able to meet little baby Daniel for the first time. He's Maryam's cousin, and about 6 months old. He's a cute, very happy baby. I wouldn't know what to do with a happy baby - all I've dealt with is cranky. But I'm guessing that there will come a time when he's unpleasant - I'm guessing at around 16. Seriously, this kid is so laid back! When I was pregnant with Maryam I asked God that she be happy. She is, but she's also very stubborn and can be pushy and bite-y. Laid back she is not!

I was able to visit my dearest friend Maryam, for whom baby Maryam is named. That was one of the best parts of this trip for me.

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