Monday, August 18, 2008

First, I hear her scream....

She screamed like she was really hurt - a horrible, pain-filled scream. I ran to her, and this is the face I saw (yes, I took a picture. You'll see why in a second).

I looked to see what could cause such agony in my beautiful little girl.

Our cat, Frodo, was in Maryam's chair. Maryam looooooves her chair. She only lets her brothers sit in it, not some massive cat. Frodo is a good, sweet cat. But he's big, and he can have a temper. Maryam knows enough to not push him off the chair, so she'll usually scream for me.

Once I got him off, Maryam quickly claimed her rightful space.

And she sat in her chair, happy until he sat in her chair again, the next day.

1 comment:

paulinemc said...

Poor baby Maryam . . . she doesn't yet know that EVERYTHING in the house belongs to the cat . . . she's lucky he lets her sit in HIS chair!