Friday, August 22, 2008

A new school year began on Tuesday

For Maryam, this means a big yellow bus comes and takes her beloved brothers away for 7 hours and she's stuck home with mommy. She was all giggles and smiles in the morning, as the neighbors all gathered to get the kids on the bus for the first day of class. But when the bus pulled away, she looked like she was about to cry, and ran down the sidewalk after it, pointing.

Today, Friday, she seems to have adjusted to our normal school year schedule. She loves it when her brothers come home, and will stop whatever she's doing when I say "let's go wait for the boys!".

In other news, Maryam has decided that she likes to sit in Wayne's chair at breakfast, with him in it! (She's also been snagging food off of his plate).

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