Tuesday, March 25, 2008

You know it's been a tough day when...

you post a sign on your child's bottom.

A couple of weeks ago, Jim came home to this. It was just one of those days when the whining is endless, the sleep not happening, and the tears plentiful.

And no, I would never give my child away. Sell her maybe.... NEVER!


paulinemc said...

Oh, Maryam, my sweet, when your mommy is having a bad day, you must be patient with her. She's just an adult, & you know how THEY can be. You just keep being your adorable, loveable, amazing self, & when Mommy gets TOO wound up, just smile & say, "Grandma C always says what goes around, comes around. What's that mean, Mommy?"

xmama4 said...

Poor Maryam and poor Maryam's mommy. I'll totally take her.... for just long enough for her mommy to regain sanity. Bring whiney baby over anytime. Babies can whine together.

Maryam's Mommy said...

Davy's mommy, watch out. I may just take you up on that! :)