Friday, October 12, 2007

Jim's Toys

Pretty cool, huh? They're all handcrafted, with non-toxic paint and finishes. He's going to be selling them. The sea monster moves in waves, and the other pull toys waddle.

I got so sick of trying to find quality wooden toys that were made locally, and Jim has these great images in his head. He's so talented. I had no idea I married a toy maker!


xmama4 said...

Those animals turned out so cute! Davy must have some. You're so lucky to have married a toy maker.

paulinemc said...

Here I've been calling my son-in-law "Jim," when his name is actually "Gepetto"! These are absolutely wonderful! I wonder what other hidden talents he has? Between his woodworking & your calligraphy, Jenise, you're one creative, awsome couple! Love you lots! Mom

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jenise! From your big sis Kristin