Wednesday, October 10, 2007

It's been a hard day

Maryam woke up at 5 AM this morning. After her morning nap, she became crabby VERY fast. If she has temper tantrums like this before the age of 1, I don't want to see them at 2! I don't even know what was wrong. She arched her back when I tried to hold her, so I laid her down on the floor. She quieted down fairly quickly when I picked her up again.

Now introducing... Ducky!
Ducky is a puppet that quacks three tunes when you open and close his mouth. Maryam loves Ducky, as you can see.

Here she is kissing him. Actually, biting him, but who cares.

And below, she can be seen hitting him with a wire whisk. Hmm. Maybe there's a bit less love here than I originally thought.

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