Thursday, April 19, 2007

First Foods

Maryam had her first taste of solid foods last night - she had sweet potatoes and a little bit of rice cereal. She went nuts! I had known for the past two weeks or so that she was eager to start eating big people food, but I didn't know how eager. This morning, she ate a good half cup of pureed sweet potatoe, and could have eaten more if I had any left. The pictures are from her second feeding. The first was caught on video tape. In a day or so, I'll try some apples or avocado, and then maybe another vegetable. I had been told to expect Maryam to just play with her food, and to not really eat it at first. Not my child!

We intentionally waited until she was 6 months to start her on solids to minimize allergy potential, as well as to make sure her body was ready to handle real foods. I'm glad we waited, because Maryam loves her food.

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