Wednesday, April 25, 2007

6 months old!

Maryam was six months old on Saturday! Isn't she a cutie?? She had her 6 month appointment, weighs 20 pounds, and is in the 97th percentile for weight (and 50th or so for height, although she's probably taller since she screamed as they tried to stretch her out to measure her). Since she can sit unassisted, the doctor said she has the muscles to roll over, but not the motivation, or something like that. She's been making faces at all her food now. She's eating and frowning at sweet potato, avocado, rice cereal, apples, and bananas. Today, nothing met with her approval, although she did try to get to my Diet Coke.

In other news, we just bought a new grill. The old one was a hand-me-down, and only cooked on high -- otherwise known as 'burned'. So now Maryam can have blended burgers, cooked nicely :)

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