Saturday, January 31, 2009

Art area

We sold some exercise equipment we had in the basement, and used the money and space to create an art area, where the kids can glue, paint, draw, tape and create without getting my kitchen table destroyed.
We went to Ikea yesterday, and this is what we created.
The blue bins hold all sorts of artsy stuff, from paper to feathers to glue and tape and stickers and paints.
I saw some hanging cups in the bathroom area, and decided to be clever and use them to store markers, crayons, paintbrushes and pencils. They can be taken off the bar and will stand upright on the table or the easel.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Babysitting, Aidan style

"Aidan, please watch your sister while I make dinner"

"Thank you!"

Snow Day

Today school was cancelled for the boys. No surprise there - we had snow, then frozen rain, and then more snow on top. Things were bad.

Usually in the morning, Jim comes in and wakes me up at 7:15 AM. Today he didn't, because the university where he works was closed. That almost never happens.

So we're having a nice family day together. We played outside in the snow and got some great video footage of Jim sledding down the driveway. Picture a grown man running, sliding for about 1 foot, then rolling off in the snow and you'll have an idea what happened.

Then it was inside to watch Toy Story and eat popcorn. We're also playing with our new kitty, who appears to be in heat. Well, at least she's not pregnant.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I had a dream....

and in this dream I was told to get a black kitten and name her Spaghetti. Seriously!

So I told the kids, and of course they get all excited. Both boys promise to take care of her, and tell me that she would be their birthday and Christmas present. Both seem a bit weirded out that I would want to name a cat Spaghetti. But they'll adjust.

Last night I went on Craig's List, and the first listing was for a black kitten. I went and got her today. Her name is Spaghetti, and she is very sweet. Her owners were evicted and left her in their house with the door open. A good Samaritan took her in, and posted about her on CL.

We don't know how old she is - the woman who took her in thinks she's under a year. I have an appointment at the vet on Thursday and I'll ask what they think. She is beautiful, sweet, and very curious. She'll come up and chirp and nuzzle me occasionally. Maryam is in love with her. Frodo scares Maryam, and Spaghetti is smaller and not aggressive at all.

Frodo and she 'chirped' back and forth. He seems fine with having a sister. The only habit we need to fix is that she jumps on the tables and counters. I think she's going to do great! I can't wait to see what the boys think of her when they get home.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

When toddler meets wall

"Oh look Maryam, Wayne's playing with hotwheels!". Maryam runs to Wayne, smack dab into the corner of the wall. Crying follows, and then she forgot about it in 3 minutes. I didn't, though. She still has a bluish goose-egg on her forehead, the poor girl.

Potty training 101

It may look like a hat, but it isn't. Really.

Roach pictures

I'm so glad my baby isn't afraid of bugs (like her daddy). I had no idea when I married Jim that he had a 'bad roach experience'. So while Maryam held the cockroach and giggled, Jim stood back and looked positively ill.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

One of the best things about Columbus

is our science museum, COSI. Every time we go there Maryam has a blast. The kidspace has a big water table she likes.

There's the helicopter

and the tree house

and riding toys and costumes. It's a wondrous place. The rest of the building has exhibits for older kids and adults, but with Maryam I usually just hang out in kidspace.

At another visit (when I didn't bring my camera), she held a big hissing cockroach. She was the youngest kid to do that, the handler said. And she just laughed and giggled as it crawled around her.

Note her dress - it's my most recent sewing creation, and my favorite dress I've sewn for her.

How to diaper a baby. A picture tutorial by Maryam

Step 1: Put baby in booster seat and bring diaper over.

Step 2: Attempt to put diaper on baby.

Step 3: If step 2 is difficult, place another diaper on top of baby. Repeat twice.

Step 4: Repeat step 3 until baby is diapered or you can no longer see the baby

Step 5: Lean in and admire your hard work. Your baby is diapered. Horray!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Our trip out West

We went to Kirkland, Washington for Christmas. On the way there, Maryam was very careful to read the safety card in the seat back of the plane. She asked me to read it to her. It went something like this :There is a plane. And a baby! Look at the mask on the baby! Look at the fire! The people are happily getting out of the plane. See the raft? All the happy people are floating on the raft... She loved it.

When we arrived, we were welcomed by snow. Tons and tons of snow in a city ill-prepared for it. The roads were awful. Neighborhoods weren't plowed for well over a week, which meant that there were grooves a foot deep, and the car basically drove itself.

But we were able to make a lovely pregnant snow-woman. Mom donated her bathrobe for modesty's sake. Maryam loved it!

We were able to meet little baby Daniel for the first time. He's Maryam's cousin, and about 6 months old. He's a cute, very happy baby. I wouldn't know what to do with a happy baby - all I've dealt with is cranky. But I'm guessing that there will come a time when he's unpleasant - I'm guessing at around 16. Seriously, this kid is so laid back! When I was pregnant with Maryam I asked God that she be happy. She is, but she's also very stubborn and can be pushy and bite-y. Laid back she is not!

I was able to visit my dearest friend Maryam, for whom baby Maryam is named. That was one of the best parts of this trip for me.

Uses for a turkey baster

Aidan taught me that a turkey baster could be used as a musical instrument - fill it with water, and blow across it, and squeeze the bulb to change the tone.

Maryam taught me that it is great for drinking out of, especially while wearing mittens and painting. That night she drank so much water that she leaked out of her nightime disposable diaper. Now every time she sees it she asks for a drink.

What else are you going to do...

when it's -4 degrees outside? Put on your swimsuit and get a measuring cup on your head, of course, then grab your guitar!