Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Trouble in the kitchen

Maryam got a new kitchen the other day - it's a small basic one that starts out low for toddlers and gets higher for bigger kids. She loves it, so much so that recently she got into the pantry and grabbed a box of croutons to play with in it. I was busy winding up some yarn and it kept her occupied.

She ended up dumping the box in her play kitchen, making a small mess and having quite a time.

I kept the camera handy as she went again to the open pantry.

This time she was exploring garlic. Crinkly, crunchy, smelly, tasty (!) garlic.

She did get one bite in there before she decided that perhaps eating raw garlic wasn't so fun.

Look closely in this picture, and you'll see that not only is Maryam playing in the kitchen, she's browsing mommy's cook books. This was not a staged picture!


Anonymous said...

After shopping, a good cook always tastes the ingredients first to test for quality.

Anonymous said...

Even expert cooks like Maryam like to compare notes with cookbooks. Her favorite is "The Joy of Cooking" in paperback, 'cause when she's teething she can also chew on the edges.

Anonymous said...

She's beautiful. Loretta