Thursday, August 16, 2007

We're sick

Maryam and I have caught a nasty cold. Last night was the first time in two nights that she has slept for a stretch longer than 20 minutes or so. She had a fever of 102.2 (after medicine), but it finally went down yesterday. Today she is napping much better, but her nose is running a lot.

The boys have been very helpful, expecially Aidan. One of my goals was to teach him how to do laundry this summer. I never got around to it, but when I was sick, he asked to help with it. He now knows how to run the washer and drier, and actually seems to enjoy helping out with this.

Jim has been the best husband and daddy with our sickness. He has taken all the nighttime duties (except nursing), and last night I had two 4-hour stretches of sleep. He took yesterday off so I could rest. He's amazing! Neither him nor the boys are sick with this - they have superior immune systems, I guess. They never seem to get sick, especially Jim and Aidan. I hope Maryam gets their genes for this, but it looks like she has the Chalfant immune system, which certainly isn't the greatest (no offense to any Chalfants lurking out there)!

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