Friday, March 23, 2007

5 months old!

The pictures are as follows -- 2 months, 3 months, four months, five months, Maryam in daddy's hat ('cause she's bald, too!)

Maryam is now five months (and two days) old. She reached out to pet the doggie today, and was laughing when Sera licked her! Maryam is definately a dog-person.

Last night was hard -- she was wiggling most of the night. Jim got up with her at 3 AM for a while, because she was driving me bonkers. She played for about 20 minutes, then back to sleep, and up at 5 AM again.

She is grabbing at her feet, reaching for things (and the dog), and fussing much less (if you don't count today).

I'm busy trying to sew her some pocket diapers. She's pretty crabby today, because she was up so much last night. Her bottom is too big for the ones we bought.

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