Friday, March 30, 2007

Sitting up

Maryam can now sit up on her own -- for about 30 seconds, at least!

We've been having beautiful, 70+ degree weather. And now that my horrible cold is gone, Maryam and I have spent some time outdoors. She, as always, loves watching the dog. I'm starting to get jealous :) She even drooled on poor Sera and attempted to chew on her ear. Sera took it like an old pro, loving every minute of it.
I finally finished sewing Maryam 12 pocket diapers, something I will never do again. It saved us considerable money, but was a huge pain in the neck, especially since I had to borrow a snap machine which made me have to rush. And all Maryam does is poop all over them.... :)

Friday, March 23, 2007

5 months old!

The pictures are as follows -- 2 months, 3 months, four months, five months, Maryam in daddy's hat ('cause she's bald, too!)

Maryam is now five months (and two days) old. She reached out to pet the doggie today, and was laughing when Sera licked her! Maryam is definately a dog-person.

Last night was hard -- she was wiggling most of the night. Jim got up with her at 3 AM for a while, because she was driving me bonkers. She played for about 20 minutes, then back to sleep, and up at 5 AM again.

She is grabbing at her feet, reaching for things (and the dog), and fussing much less (if you don't count today).

I'm busy trying to sew her some pocket diapers. She's pretty crabby today, because she was up so much last night. Her bottom is too big for the ones we bought.

Friday, March 16, 2007

The drool-monster

Maryam is officially teething. She seems pretty happy about it, at least at the moment. She is getting hand-mouth coordination, and anything she can grab she attempts to chew. We bought some new toys for her today, and she's been having a great time trying to chew them. Trying is the appropriate word, since she can't quite grasp the true size of her mouth vs. the true size of her toys.

The doggie is a new found friend in Maryam's life now. She loves to watch Sera. When the weather warmed up, we took Sera out, and Maryam was totally absorbed in watching her run around. Maryam also likes to watch the cats, but not as much as Sera.

We took Easter pictures on Friday, and in every single one, you could see the glimmer of drool. It's sort of cute, when it's not dripping all over your hand. Note this in some of the posted pictures.

We are getting very excited (at least, mommy is) about our trip out to Washington. But before we leave, Maryam's Aunt Mari and Aunt Kristin are coming out to visit for the first time!!!

Saturday, March 3, 2007

No wonder her diapers don't fit!

These thighs measure 12 inches around!!! She's outgrown another set of diapers -- only in her thighs, though, because her waist (by comparisson) is tiny!