Tuesday, May 22, 2007

7 months old!

Maryam is now the big 7 months. She has just begun to cut her first tooth (and is not too happy about it). She's eating three meals a day, along with nursing frequently in addition to all of her peas, carrots, sweet potato, avacado, pears, parsnip, and squash (her favorites).

One of her favorite things to do lately is growl. She makes this gutteral, deep growling sound. We couldn't quite figure out where she learned it, until we saw Wayne growling at her, making her giggle. Her big brother is already teaching her things! Wayne loves to make her smile and giggle. He's really good at it. She'll see him from across the room and just smile at him. Wayne has lost his two front teeth, and can make some very silly faces at her.

Maryam has also figured out how to roll over from her back to her front, and she'll take steps while holding on to your hands. She still puts everything into her mouth, and she still smiles at every person who comes near her. She's a cuddler, a giggler, and the sweetest thing in our lives.


A couple of weeks ago, Jim and I took Maryam hiking at our favorite state park. We went there while I was pregnant with Maryam, and again when she was just a couple of weeks old. It took her awhile to get used to the Kelty backpack, but she soon enjoyed it, especially watching her doggie go swimming.